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Antz, being a part of a group of companies Antine Associates Ltd., provides a unique range of scientific, cost-effective solutions for our clients' market strategies' empowerment. We possess sound knowledge of psychology, marketing, and consumer research, outstanding creativity, and classical project management skills that allow us to develop and implement best-in-class solutions for consumers, trade, and sales force.


We owe our success to the team of dedicated individuals, each of whom is passionate about delivering great results and uncompromisingly committed to quality and customer service. For all positions, we look for talented and motivated problem-solvers that take on busy and demanding roles with the great potential for career enhancement. Our own training scheme starts off as an initial classroom-based orientation session and goes through the hands-on business training.


Antz team evolution includes 15 years of experience in the Russian market, 9 years of international exposure, 6 years of extensive research and development practises. Our expansion is supported by carefully planned and monitored day-to-day operations that include talent management, execution of complex projects, financial strength, all-inclusive legal support.


We employ different people with a wide range of skills and backgrounds. There's a series of carefully monitored evaluations, after which you receive more opportunities for promotion or specialise if you find an area of our business that you're particularly interested in. To join us, you'll need to be ambitious, creative and highly motivated. If you have the potential to be a good leader, with strong negotiation skills and a high degree of self-motivation, not to mention a great personality, then you'll almost certainly love working here.


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Беру в этом интернет-магазине грунт и добавки для комнатных цветов, регуляторы роста, аптечка для растений на даче тоже состоит из препар

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с начало покозалось что слишком уж, дорого как то за такую ересь столько денег плотить.. думал бигдата развисти хотят или еще чиго.. но п

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Horohii oteli. ????

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