Informatica R&D Center отзывы

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Informatica Corporation (NASDAQ: INFA) was founded 1993.The headquarters is Redwood City, California (USA). Informatica is the world’s number one independent provider of data integration software.

Organizations around the world gain a competitive advantage in today’s global information economy with timely, relevant and trustworthy data for their top business imperatives. More than 4,100 enterprises worldwide rely on Informatica to access, integrate and trust their information assets held in the traditional enterprise, off premise and in the Cloud.

Informatica Customers list is including:

84 of the Fortune 100 companies

87 percent of Dow Jones

Government agencies in 20 countries

Market leaders rely on Informatica:

Telecommunications - 18 of the top 23

Financial Services - 44 of the top 60

Healthcare - 9 of the top 11

Energy & Utilities - 25 of the top 34

Insurance - 18 of the top 22

Life Sciences - the 11 largest

Informatica Products

The Informatica Platform is the first comprehensive, unified, and open software platform specifically designed for data integration. Our open, platform-neutral software accesses data of virtually all types and makes it accessible, meaningful, and usable to the people and processes that need it. With products that encourage collaboration across the enterprise, Informatica reduces costs, speeds time to results, and scales to handle data integration projects of any size or complexity.

Why Informatica Research and Development Center in Russia?

Informatica R&D Center is on the lookout for talented individuals with passion for technology, excellence, and innovation.

At Informatica we’re passionate about our impact on the business and technology world and we’re especially proud of the advances we’ve made both in data integration and in our company culture. Through the combination of innovative technical solutions and a talent-oriented work environment, we’ve created a company that’s as focused on its technical innovations as it is on its employees.

We’re a company working to make our customers’ businesses better, and one way we do that is by making our employees feel welcomed, valued, respected, and important. After all, without them we’d be just another large, impersonal corporation. Our employees go all out to make sure they’re delivering the best of themselves each day. In exchange, we give them what they need to succeed.

We’re the leader in our category. And there’s a reason for that: We believe passionately in our mission, our products and services, and the way we go about our work.

Innovation has always been integral to who we are. Informatica pioneered a whole new market and we continue to advance state-of-the-art data integration solutions, creating the products and services that help drive our industry forward.

Are you curious, intelligent, motivated by interesting challenges? Would you like to collaborate with others like you to advance leading technology? Then Informatica may be the place for you.

We respect ideas. We encourage them. This means an environment with few boundaries, where innovation, enthusiasm, and hard work are valued and rewarded. Where you can make a difference.

In Russia we have offices in St.Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan.

For more information go to:

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Ужасная текучка кадров((, отсутствие по болезни не компенсируется, Мизерные зарплаты:(, чувствуешь себя никому не нужным:(

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