Хедтекнолоджи РУ отзывы

ул. Ольховская, д. 45 Я менеджер этой организации

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Company Description

headtechnology is a specialist distributor offering a range of best of breed technology products. The headtechnology portfolio of technology is defined to offer stability, application acceleration and enhancement, all under the umbrella of absolute security. One of the most important criterias during the product evaluation is to choose products under the aspect of ease of administration, usability and a low TCO.

headtechnology's portfolio includes some of the biggest names in IT security. With these vendor partnerships, resellers and systems integrators can source every critical IT security function direct from headtechnology – anti-virus, anti-spam, firewalls, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, data privacy, authentication, content control, SSL VPN's, wan optimization, content filter, web security, application delivery, email security and others. 

headtechnology was founded in the year 2000 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. The company is led by her founder and CEO Harry Zorn. Today over 80 specialists in 9 countries are serving the needs of the customers and partners. From 12 offices most countries of Central and Eastern Europe, reaching into Asia, are covered.

The benchmark of our success is the level of customer satisfaction we are delivering.All our teams, all services, all our activities are following one philosophy: “We treat everybody like we would like to be treated by others”. 

This is a generic rule which is above all over and has to be followed in any situation. It is proven, that companies working with this rule are existing longer and they are more profitable and successful than other companies.

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    Нравится, что в Неруд Карьер можно заказать любые объемы песка, щебня, растительного грунта. Мы за три года, что пользуемся услугами этой

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    «Неруд Карьер отзывы»


    Всегда нравилась мне бьюти-сфера, и когда стала бизнес-партнером в Сибериан Велнесс, поняла, что осуществила свою мечту. Может и громко с

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    «Siberian Wellness отзывы»


    У наших лидеров продаж Siberian Wellness реально есть чему поучиться! Опыт и знания просто огроменные! И, между прочим, они охотно делятс

    Рассказал Виктория

    «Siberian Wellness отзывы»


    С Сибериан Велнесс я сотрудничаю уже 3. 5 года. Пришла в самый разгар пандемии, когда забрезжила перспектива лишиться работы, потому как

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