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In early 2006 Moscow branches of German company FROESCH and French company AGS merged. A new company
AGS FROESCH RUSSIA now offers worldwide moving logistics, door to door services and fine art transport for diplomatic missions, corporate accounts and private people. We offer local moves in Moscow and long-distance moving services by truck or air to almost all cities in Russia.
We operate worldwide.
The first company of FROESCH group was established in 1927. The head office of the FROESCH Group is in Koblenz. In 1982 FROESCH RUSSIA was established in Moscow in order to carry out international moves for German and American diplomats.
The AGS Group is the largest international removals service provider in France and one of the leaders in Europe.
The Group is represented in all major cities in France via a network of 18 subsidiaries and has also established a network of
subsidiaries that cover Europe and Africa. Present in practically every country in Africa, the AGS Group is the largest removal group on the African continent

The Personal Touch
With a personal touch and outstanding service, we want to convince our customers and build long-term business relationships want to be friendly, reliable, secure, punctual, fast and excellent.
Innovation and Quality
We want to develop new products and services and continually improve our quality.
We want to achieve solid and continuous business profits, in order to secure our jobs and to grow.
We want to achieve growth in order to create new opportunities for our employees and investors.
Role as employer
We want to be a good employer, so that our employees feel happy being with us.
Team spirit
We want to be a team with strong team spirit in order to be successful together. Within our team, we want to be friendly,
polite and helpful.

We are capable, flexible and hard-working employees, who are interested in our industry. When dealing with co-workers and customers we want to be friendly, polite, reliable, punctual, fast and helpful. The management expects from us a high degree of initiative and responsible behavior.

Honesty is very important for us. If we make promises, we feel ourselves committed to keep them.

All our processes should be simple, clear, safe and neat.

We want to make sure that all positions in our line
management structure are clearly defined. Instructions, praise and criticism
must be precise and clear.

We encourage employees to develop their general
knowledge. We also encourage employees to develop supervisory and management
skills. Self discipline is something everyone has to develop him or herself.

We promote employees based on their performance and
according to the possibilities of the company. Crucial factors for promotion
are: character suitability, personal attitude, professional skills and the
ability to bring tasks to a successful end.

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Не с кем даже поболтать не о работе!!Зарплата платится после отпуска

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