Монди Славника отзывы

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The chances are you will use a Mondi product today and everyone you know will too, without even realising it. So let us introduce ourselves.

Mondi produces paper and packaging solutions in a wide range of shapes, sizes and formats. You’ll find our products everywhere, from heavy industry to supermarket shelves. At work, you’ll see office paper and industrial bags for chemicals, cement and animal feed. At home, you might use our newsprint, pet food pouches, pizza boxes and even tea bags.

This is a global market, and we are one of the world’s largest producers. We operate 102 sites in 29 countries and we employ 26,000 people.

ZAO Mondi Slavnika is one of the Mondi Group companies. It is one of the leading manufacturers of packaging films in Russia. At the Pereslavl-Zalesskiy site, Mondi produces multi-layer printed packaging materials with state-of-the-art equipment. The products are sold to the food industry, the detergent and cleansing agents sector, and the hygiene industry, among others.

Mondi has a track record of success and we place high value on developing excellent employees to meet the challenges of operating in a complex and ever changing world. We offer a wide variety of options to suit the individual development needs of our employees, identified through our annual performance and development review process and our supporting talent management process.

Some of the many development options include support for external MBA and business school studies as well as a comprehensive range of internal modular management development programmes, all offered in conjunction with leading world-wide institutions.

Our highly acclaimed Mondi Academy also offers our employees a variety of technical, business and management seminars at various locations around Europe.

If you want to work in an environment which is fast moving and full of inspired and motivational people who are focused on success, then Mondi is the place for you.
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больничные не компенсируются, Опоздания караются штрафом

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Серая зарплата..Сплошная бюрократия!!

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