Дараут Сервис отзывы

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Просмотры: 83
Комментарии: 1

Darout Service Ltd. is a prospective outsourcing company, with the strong organization and management aimed at performing the projects on:

  • Software Design and Implementation
  • Internet Applications Design
  • Wireless and Mobile Devices Applications Development
  • Databases Design, Administration and Tuning
  • Web Sites Design and Development.

Darout Service Ltd. was established in Saint-Petersburg, Russia in June 2001 as a subsidiary of the Swiss Company Darum Holding AG on the base of a big US Company that left the market of Saint-Petersburg in May 2001 because of the crisis on the market of high technologies occurred at the beginning of 2001.

We will be one of the leading software companies in Russia. Competitive salary and all conditions for the professional growth will attract the best IT specialists into our staff. Cost effective solutions, perfect organization and the high quality of our work will involve the biggest western companies into the collaboration with us.

Performing all business processes at the company and increasing the strength of the organization. Involving big companies into the collaboration and making long-term contracts. Improving the quality of the products and services. Increasing motivation of the employee and creation conditions for their professional growth.

Although our programmers are young, all of them have advanced technical degrees from the best universities of St. Petersburg. Many of them are certified.
Darout Service is proud to have the staff of high-skilled professionals with strong knowledge and experience in the whole range of modern programming languages and technologies.

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Коллектив не очень(платная парковка.каждый боится, что его подсидят!((

Отзыв написал "Артур"

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