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We see our mission as creating a team of highly professional developers of mathematical algorithms whose primary goal is to assist clients in developing competitive advantages by the competent and timely application of mathematical methods.

In the development of hi-tech goods, fierce competition between developers and manufacturers of similar or even identical goods is typical. This creates a unique situation for scientists because the technical characteristics of a product become most significant in a competitive environment and, hence, scientific contribution becomes most important.

Application of mathematical methods in developing hi-tech products significantly reduces the overall duration of the development, i.e., it reduces the time necessary to bring the product to market. It also helps optimize the amount of the resources employed, total project cost, and the ability to considerably increase the product functionalities.

We believe that although mathematical methods are extensively employed in hi-tech projects, their potential is often underestimated. We see our mission as making the application of modern mathematical methods an important part of the development of every hi-tech product.

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Обсуждение Gil Algorithms отзывы

Отзыв №1

Плохой коллектив, Работа в выходные не компенсируется, Больничные не оплачиваются((

Отзыв написал "Елена"

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