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We want to make people's lives simpler and to help our customers improve and streamline their operations. HiQ is proudly Nordic and is a consultancy firm in the truest sense of the term. We understand technology and how it can earn our clients money.

We provide strategic expertise through our extensive experience within seven areas of speciality: Telecom, mobility, simulation technology, business-critical systems, media, gaming and platforms, securities trading and IT for vehicles.

HiQ's aim is to provide the expertise our customers need by being a specialised consultancy firm with expertise in communications, software development and business-critical IT. Working closely with our customers in high-technology industries, we help them to enhance their competitiveness and profitability.

At present, we are more than 1, 300 employees in 11 offices across four countries delivering results to our customers every day. We value performance, responsibility and making difficult things simple. We also strive to add an element of joy to every project we are involved in. HiQ began in 1995 and has been listed on the OMX Mid Cap stock exchange for over 10 years. HiQ has several times been named Sweden's "Best IT Consultancy" by business journal Veckans Affärer. 

HiQ's Russian office is located in central Moscow and has been running successful nearshore projects since 1999.

We specialise in all open mobile platforms, finance, gaming, entertainment and media. HiQ's developers in Moscow have many years of experience handling development work for international clients. We possess the same high level of quality awareness here at our nearshore centre as at all our other HiQ offices.

With our nearshore model, HiQ offers cost-effective solutions without compromising quality, budget or deadlines. HiQ's model offers a flexible solution in that we can assume full responsibility for projects with the help of a project coordinator from one of our local offices. We like to work using the agile Scrum method, but, naturally, are also happy to adapt and use whatever methods our customers prefer.

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