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Комментарии: 1

Riot Games was established in 2006 by entrepreneurial gamers who believe that player-focused game development can result in great games. In 2009, Riot released its debut title League of Legends to critical and player acclaim. As the most played PC game in the world, over 67 million play every month. Players form the foundation of our community and it’s for them that we continue to evolve and improve the League of Legends experience.

We work in a collaborative, fast-paced and learning-rich environment with a veteran development team anchored by accomplished leaders in engineering, design, art, publishing and more. We're always looking for talented and driven people to join us as we strive to create player-focused games.

Riot's a global company – in addition to the Los Angeles headquarters (located just minutes from the beach), we've got outposts in Berlin, Brighton, Dublin, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Seoul, St. Louis, Sydney, Taipei, and Tokyo. 

As a Moscow Rioter, you'll join a growing and dedicated team of Rioters. You'll share our prioritization of player experience, rejection of convention and maniacal passion for gaming. Rioters in Moscow are driven to deliver unique player experiences that show Russian/CIS players they aren't lost in translation.

We’re looking for humble but ambitious, razor-sharp professionals who can teach us a thing or two. We promise to return the favour. Like us, you take play seriously; you’re passionate about games. We embrace those who see things differently, aren’t afraid to experiment, and who have a healthy disregard for constraints.

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Отзыв №1

Без связей не продвинешьсяДля повышения должно пройти много времени!!дорогие обедыбольничные не компенсируютсяУжасная текучка кадров..

Отзыв написал "Борис"

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Спасибо менеджерам магазина Русский огород, что помогли определиться с сортами луковиц лилии и гладиолусов. До этого делала заказы только

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ООО Инвест - Менеджмент Групп проинвестировали наш бизнес по розливу воды 02 октября 2024 года, условия на которых получили денежные сред

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«Инвест - Менеджмент Групп отзывы»


Франшизу Mediapro я приобрел чуть больше года назад, и с тех пор уже смог окупится и выйти на неплохую прибыль). Что сразу впечатлило, эт

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«Франшиза mediapro отзывы»

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