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This portal is a community of clinical trial specialists, doctors engaged in clinical trials as well as anyone who is interested in information on clinical trials conducted in Russia and abroad. We would like to offer you an internet project the main purpose of which is to give an opportunity to communicate, obtain and exchange information from all professionals related to clinical trials.

This is a community of clinical trial specialists, doctors engaged in clinical trials as well as anyone who is interested in information on clinical trials conducted in Russia and abroad. We offer you an internet project the principal value of which is the opportunity to communicate, obtain and exchange information from all professionals related to clinical trials.

This is a community of clinical trial specialists, doctors engaged in clinical trials as well as anyone who is interested in information on clinical trials conducted in Russia and abroad. We offer you an internet project the principal value of which is an opportunity to communicate, obtain and exchange information from all professionals related to clinical trials.

Membership in CRA-club gives possibility to obtain information on professional subject you are interested in and to communicate with colleagues. Four eyes see more than two; therefore a participation in thematic discussions is an excellent way to take up important events, exchange information, generate new ideas and simply to cultivate useful contacts in your branch.

CRA-club is an opportunity to know who clinical trial specialists are, where they come from, what they are interested in and how many they are, what their price at labor market is.

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Отзыв №1

Выговоры за опоздания!!!команда не оченьдля повышения должно пройти много временибывают перебои с выплатой зпМизерные зарплаты

Отзыв написал "Маргарита"

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с начало покозалось что слишком уж, дорого как то за такую ересь столько денег плотить.. думал бигдата развисти хотят или еще чиго.. но п

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