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Providing world-class knowledge, services and products to add value to clients in the oil & gas and power generation industries around the world.

Wood Group is an international energy services company, employing approximately 25,000 people worldwide and operating in 46 countries.

The Group has three businesses - Engineering & Production Facilities, Well Support and Gas Turbine Services - providing a range of engineering, production support, maintenance management and industrial gas turbine overhaul and repair services to the oil & gas, and power generation industries worldwide.

Wood Group is among the global market leaders in:

  • deepwater engineering

  • offshore pipelines

  • artificial lift using electric submersible pumps

  • enhancement of oil & gas production in mature fields

  • the repair and overhaul of industrial gas turbines.

The broad range of services Wood Group offers can be provided on an integrated basis in line with customers' requirements. There is an increasing demand for outsourced and solutions-based services covering all, or part of, life-of-field operations Wood Group has the project and risk management skills, the performance contracting experience and the specialist capabilities to meet the increasing trend to managed services.

We have combined our worldwide experiences and best practice to provide the most appropriate solutions to our wide range of global customers

Wood Group views Russia and the CIS as a key region and continues to grow its range of services for our valued customers. Our Group companies are now well established in the region, using local facilities, local resources and employing local personnel.

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Продвигаются только друзья и родственники руководства, чувствуешь себя никому не нужным, не соблюдают тк при увольнении

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с начало покозалось что слишком уж, дорого как то за такую ересь столько денег плотить.. думал бигдата развисти хотят или еще чиго.. но п

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