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Our Mission: Building the value of tourism to Britain and in England

VisitBritain was formed on 1 April 2003. It builds the value of tourism by creating world-class destination brands and marketing campaigns and by building partnerships with – and providing insights to – other organisations with a stake in British tourism. 

VisitBritain works with the following stakeholder groups:

  • Overseas Customer: Promoting Britain overseas as a visitor destination, to generate additional tourism revenue throughout Britain and throughout the year
  • Domestic Customer: Growing the value of the domestic market by encouraging British residents to take additional and/or longer breaks in England, thereby growing the value of the domestic market. 
  • Tourism Industry: Helping the British tourism industry address international and domestic markets more effectively.
  • Government: Providing advice to Government and devolved administrations on matters affecting tourism.
  • Strategic Partners: Working in partnership with the devolved administrations and the national and regional tourist boards to build the British tourism industry.
  • Staff: To achieve all goals by making efficient and effective use of resources and by being open, accessible, professional, accountable and responsive.     

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