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AVENIR GROUP (AVENIR) is a group of companies offering a wide range of services oriented towards providing comprehensive assistance and support in management and business development of enterprises, optimization of business-related risks, time and financial resources, as well as direct or alternative staffing support.

Since its establishment (the first company of the Group was founded in the fall of 1997), key areas of activity of the AVENIR have been: staff recruitment, assessment and development, job market research and analysis, business processes outsourcing, including RAS, IAS/IFRS and US-GAAP accounting, financial control, payroll accounting and wage payment, HR documents administration, consulting support on tax and labor law issues, as  well as on immigration support for foreign employees.

AVENIR GROUP companies:

AVENIR offers Staff Recruitment, Assessment and Development services, HR Market Research and Analysis, Salary Surveys.

ACCENTOR offers business processes outsourcing services: RAS, IAS/IFRS and US-GAAP accounting, payroll accounting and wage payment, HR documents administration, legal support on tax and labor law issues, as well as on immigration support for foreign employees.

AVENIR EXECUTIVE provides executive search service.

AVENIR LABOUR SERVICES offers a wide range of staffing services, including personnel leasing, temporary personnel, and outstaffing.

AVENIR RESOURCES provides Management and Staff Development consulting. Outsourcing Services.

We believe in close relationships - working together - to solve today's and potential problems, and create a competitive base through our superior services.

Our list of services include:

  • Personnel Search and Selection / Recruitment
  • Executive Search
  • Personnel Assessment
  • Personnel Leasing / Outstaffing
  • Accounting Services
  • Payroll Services
  • Management Reporting / IFRS / GAAP
  • HR Administration
  • Salary Surveys
  • HR Markets Research and Analyses
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Только дорогие рестораны вокруг офиса, Не оплачивается питание, деньги платят с задержкой, Конфликтные люди

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