Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) отзывы

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CCL (The Center for Creative Leadership ) — Recognized as a Top Provider of Leadership Development Worldwide (

The Center for Creative Leadership was founded in 1970 with financial support from the Smith Richardson Foundation Inc. Our mission is to advance the understanding, practice and development of leadership for the benefit of society worldwide.

The Center is a nonprofit educational institution and is directed by a distinguished Board of Governors. We offer leadership solutions to a worldwide audience from CCL campuses and Network Associate locations across North America, Europe, and Asia.

In 2007-2008 we served people from more than 120 countries. Since 1970, nearly 470,000 leaders have graduated from a Center program. The Center annually serves more than 20,000 individuals and 2,000 organizations across the public, private, nonprofit and education sectors and, last year alone, we funded 255 scholarships at a value of more than $1 million for leaders of nonprofit organizations to attend CCL educational programs. In addition, our knowledge was disseminated to nearly two million people through CCL publications.

The Center employs nearly 600 faculty and staff on five campuses in North America, Europe and Asia and maintains relationships with approximately 500 adjunct faculty members worldwide.

Our 2007-2008 operating revenue totaled $87.7 million. These funds were generated primarily by tuition, program and coaching fees, and supplemented with product and publication sales, royalties and fees, donations, grants and research contracts. On the expense side, we allocated 91 percent of our operating budget to education, research, products and publications, and nine percent to general administration.

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серая зп, Отсутствие по болезни не оплачивается

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с начало покозалось что слишком уж, дорого как то за такую ересь столько денег плотить.. думал бигдата развисти хотят или еще чиго.. но п

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