Teknavo отзывы

ул. Маяковского, 3Б, литера А, БЦ Alia Tempora, 9 этаж Я менеджер этой организации

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88123363612, 88123130930
Просмотры: 140
Комментарии: 1

Teknavo is a British company, founded in 2006, focused on the design, building and managing of front office technology applications for the financial services sector.

Company’s offices are located in London, New York and St.Petersburg.

Teknavo customers are leading investment banks in Europe, the UK and the USA.

What we do

Teknavo possesses unique experience in all aspects of the Investment banking technology domains front to back, including derivatives, trading analytics, electronic trading and etc.

We specialize in the technologies utilized by investment banks, especially in complex products and technologies, providing such services as:

·         application development and management

·         re-engineering and performance management

·         vendor application maintenance

·         architecture review and strategy

The spectrum of underlying technologies is very large and includes many popular technologies, programming languages and platforms: C++ for Sun Solaris and Linux, .Net and VBA for Windows, Java for cross-platform development, etc.

The strong business domain knowledge is being accumulated and shared within Teknavo which allows our employees to acquire peculiar business knowledge in financial sector

You’ll gain

·         A unique business knowledge and expertise in financial software development

·         Complex and challenging tasks

·         An opportunity to work on customers’ sites (Europe, UK and USA) – you’ll find yourself in the core of investment world

We offer our employees:

·         Competitive compensation level

·         31 calender days paid vacation

·         100%-paid sick days

·         Health insurance

·         English courses provided in the office


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Отзыв №1

нельзя прийти попозже..для повышения должно пройти много времени!((Непредсказуемые увольнения.Не платят за больничные!

Отзыв написал "Александр"

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