H.T.M.S. Eastern Europe отзывы

Москва, Нижний Кисловский пер, 5 Я менеджер этой организации

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«Против» - 1
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84956974200, 84956603655, 84956919929
Просмотры: 91
Комментарии: 1
H.T.M.S. - Hospitality & Travel Marketing Solutions group is a worldwide sales & marketing organization, that covers all the tourism relevant markets (inbound and outbound, hospitality, travel, transportation, mice, leisure, business, special interest, etc.) The innovative and sophisticated tourism representation model introduced by H.T.M.S. is based on a wide and unique mix of: data base management, sales calls, fair attendance, trade events, road shows and workshops organization, hosted buyers programmes, fam-trips, joint sales & marketing campaigns, communication and post-sales relations.
Since 1988, H.T.M.S. International is the General Sales Agent (GSA) dedicated to the travel & hospitality industry, built in europe to expand the resources of companies and authorities in need of sales, expertise and strategic support on a local, continental and worldwide basis. H.T.M.S. International is able to deliver the expected results in less time with greater effectiveness resulting in both: cost savings and increased profits.
Established in 2002 H.T.M.S. Eastern Europe has rapidly made a name for itself as a well respected company through its outstanding clients, experience and the market knowledge of its management. The operation which is based in central Moscow can currently count 10 leading Destination Management Companies (DMCs) from various destinations and one of the leading hotel groups on the worldwine tourism market. The office is responsible for sales and marketing activity in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.
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Отзыв №1

работа в выходные не компенсируется, Скучные коллеги, Увольняют по собственному желанию, Отсутствует соцпакет

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