Санкт-Петербург, ул. Малая Морская, 23 Я менеджер этой организации

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84956248551, 84957555753, 88123130013, 88122404895, 84957555752, 84957558127, 88123130212
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Jus Privatum is one of the leading Russian law firms in Moscow. We provide comprehensive advice and representation to Russian and foreign clients in commercial matters.

Our name comes from the Latin and refers to private legal relations. When Russia began its transition from a command economy to the still-developing, market-based system that exists today, new laws and procedures were needed to accommodate the private commercial relationships that sustain it. The lawyers who founded the firm chose the name Jus Privatum because it both identifies our area of specialization and conveys the international character of our practice.

All of the firm's attorneys received their professional education after the change in economic systems. The majority of the firm's attorneys are graduates of Moscow State University and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, two of the most prestigious universities in Russia. In addition to practicing law, our Russian lawyers contribute to various Russian law journals and participate in the preparation of textbooks on civil law. Their rigorous legal education, extensive practical experience and fluency in several languages allow Jus Privatum to offer its clients, both international and local, the highest quality of representation in commercial matters.

We are committed to providing our clients with timely and comprehensive legal advice regarding:

  • corporate law,
  • commercial contracts,
  • real estate,
  • intellectual property,
  • taxation, and
  • immigration matters.
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    Нравится технология!) Я не особо честно говоря, разбираюсь в подобном, но после теста и того как мы по сути беслпатно получили 2 горячие

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    С некоторых пор люблю цветы из Русского огорода. Тюльпаны, петунии и разные миксы цветов теперь покупаю только здесь. Благодаря правильно

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    Жду доставку луковичных в ближайший месяц. А недавно я делала заказ на садовый инвентарь. Хороший агроспан, хватило как раз, спасибо мене

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    Мы с сестрой, вдвоем решились на коррекцию в этом центре. У обоих близорукость. По рекомендации и после консультации с врачом, выбрали ко

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