Calderys отзывы

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Просмотры: 63
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With over €500m turnover, 20 production sites in 15 countries and a workforce of 2.300, Calderys provides value-added refractory solutions by supplying the most comprehensive range of monolithic products for the iron, steel, foundry, aluminium, cement, thermal industries and petrochemical markets. Calderys  is a division of the Imerys Group – the world leader in industrial minerals, listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.

Calderys is expanding globally at a rapid pace and Russia is targeted as among the most interesting markets for our business to grow. Today Calderys Russia is established in St. Petersburg with regional offices in Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Samara and Ekaterinburg and our commitment is to establish business in several new regions all over Russia.

Business Description

Calderys has several years of successful presence in Russia, enjoying strong relationship with key Russian steel players (Severstal, NLMK, OMK, Evraz Holding…). Our products are recognized as best in class for production of high quality iron & steel, and our customers enjoy the support of our local and international technical teams.


The central office in St.Petersburg manages Customer Administration, Logistics, Finance, IT and general administration.

The regional sales offices are managed by Regional Managers (reporting to the General Manager), in charge of the sales force and technical support. All customer segments are covered in each region.

Personnel policy / Culture

Calderys believes in long term relationships, trust and development for all our employees. We understand that our people are responsible for our success. Calderys gives our managers the autonomy they need to drive their strategy and manage their businesses.

We believe in a strong international co-operation, where it is natural to cross borders in order to maintain the high quality which Calderys stands for. This opens doors for an international career, as well as providing interesting colleagues from all the world.

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Отзыв №1

Скучные люди, Никакого соцпакета, Негде вкусно пообедать:(, Нет карьерного роста, Хамское отношение к людям

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