TheNowFactory Russia / ZAO TNF отзывы

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The Now Factory provides real-time insights into how customers use data services, enabling Communication Service Providers (CSPs) to optimise the customer experience and drive greater profitability. We offer a rich set of insights into how people use and interact with a proliferation of mobile services, helping CSPs secure their place in a fast-changing market. By helping them get closer to their customers, we ensure they can make informed business decisions that enable them to differentiate and stay profitable in a competitive market.


The Now Factory already has over 35 customers in 28 countries around the globe engaging with over 500 million subscribers. Established in 2007 and headquartered in Dublin Ireland, we help serve customers in 28 countries, spanning four continents.


Our people are at the heart of our success and we constantly strive to attract and retain the best and brightest with the energy and ambition to take their careers to the next level.


Saint Petersburg R&D department of The Now Factory Ltd. is an independent IT company and we established a stable team of QA SW Engineers and SW Developers. As part of our continued growth, we are looking for talented individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit, who have the drive and passion to succeed and want to be part of an exciting, young company going places. In return, we offer competitive salaries, excellent benefits and an innovative and creative work environment that values, promotes and rewards employees.


More information on the company can be found at

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Отзыв №1

Не платят аванс, никаких бонусов за переработки, Не развиваешься профессионально

Отзыв написал "Василий"

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