TechTrans International отзывы

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TechTrans International, Inc. is a market leader in simplifying cross-cultural communication. Since 1993, members of the TechTrans team have been breaking down cultural barriers and enabling clients to reduce the risks associated with operating worldwide.

We have extensive experience helping companies collaborate internationally, and we understand the importance of accurate communication in the global marketplace. As demonstrated by our successful track record, TechTrans has the corporate experience, the qualified staff, and the technical resources necessary to deliver practical communication solutions. Our purpose is to add value to your business.

Total customer satisfaction is TechTrans' goal in all service offerings. We achieve this goal by providing accurate, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to our clients. Since our start, TechTrans has been attracting expert translators, interpreters, language instructors, and logistics specialists to support our customers across various industries and cultures. Many of our projects are characterized by dynamic schedules, ever-changing requirements, and quick turnaround. TechTrans staff members consistently respond to these challenges - and others - with award-winning performance.

As a client-oriented, full-service firm, we believe the key to our success has been our dedication to producing quality work. Our commitment to quality is reflected in our ISO 9001:2000 Quality Certification. This certification, the most rigorous and respected quality assurance standard in the world, demonstrates that TechTrans maintains a quality management system to ensure delivery of the highest quality services to our customers. We use this quality-focused system to monitor our performance, identify our training needs, and constantly improve our work processes.


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