Bulk Handling Systems отзывы

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Experience. Innovation. Service. Bulk Handling Systems (BHS) does more than lead the sorting industry. We've been responsibly driving it since 1976. The need for effective recycling is greater than ever, and no manufacturer has responded faster with higher quality, more reliable recycling systems than BHS. Headquartered in Eugene, Oregon, we design, manufacture and install processing systems tailored to extract recyclables from waste streams while minimizing the residue that hits landfills. Our innovative origins as a thought leader. BHS's history of pairing innovation with plain common sense has enabled thousands of companies to literally cut through their clutter. From the start, we gained rapid acceptance as a prominent supplier of functional, high quality conveying and screening equipment for the forest products and power generation industries — complete systems that featured the industry's only inline screening. BHS also developed specially designed and patented enclosed belt conveyors and screen classifiers for the fiberboard industry. These products emphasize increased safety, energy conservation and overall cost reduction. Responding to increased global demand. In the early 1980s, BHS diversified to enter the solid waste and recycling industry in response to increasing landfill closures and mandated recycling. We designed and built the first Single Stream processing system in the US, and continue to develop new products and systems, adding to our extensive list of patented technologies. More than three decades of turnkey, profitable solutions. Waste management companies, material recovery facilities (MRFs) and municipalities around the world choose BHS because of our experience and dedication with cutting-edge technology, quality construction and unmatched customer service. The engineering expertise at BHS is the result of years of complex problem solving. Our customized systems reduce labor costs and increase material throughput and recovery rates, creating both efficient and economical operations. We're definitely on the move for the future, too, with our latest innovations. Our best human resources managing our planet's limited resources. BHS offers exceptional service to its clients because of highly qualified and experienced management and project teams. Our people have hands-on project experience with material handling systems including residential Single Stream recycling, municipal solid waste, green waste, refuse-derived fuel, plastics and commercial recycling. By covering so many industries we're prepared to handle the future, always looking ahead to what's next.
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Нравится технология!) Я не особо честно говоря, разбираюсь в подобном, но после теста и того как мы по сути беслпатно получили 2 горячие

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С некоторых пор люблю цветы из Русского огорода. Тюльпаны, петунии и разные миксы цветов теперь покупаю только здесь. Благодаря правильно

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Жду доставку луковичных в ближайший месяц. А недавно я делала заказ на садовый инвентарь. Хороший агроспан, хватило как раз, спасибо мене

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Мы с сестрой, вдвоем решились на коррекцию в этом центре. У обоих близорукость. По рекомендации и после консультации с врачом, выбрали ко

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