Coca-Cola Export Corporation отзывы

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The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company and is the leading producer and marketer of soft drinks. Along with Coca-Cola, recognized as the world's best-known brand, the Company markets four of the world's top five soft drink brands, including Coca-Cola Light, Fanta, and Sprite. Through the world's largest distribution system, consumers in nearly 200 countries enjoy the Company's products at a rate of more than 1 billion servings each day.


Coca-Cola system is the largest international investor in FMCG industry in Russia and leader in soft drinks market.


History: Coca-Cola was first sold in Russia in 1980, in the run-up to the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.  In 1994, the country’s first Coca‑Cola factory opened in Moscow.  Today, the Coca-Cola system in Russia comprises 13 manufacturing facilities across the country and more than 60 sales and distribution centers in major Russian cities.

Products: Our beverages are produced locally, and our product range and marketing are designed to meet the discerning tastes and lifestyle needs of Russian consumers.

Our business has the leading brand, volume and value leadership in 98% of the Russian non-alcoholic ready to drink beverages.

The beverage brands we offer in Russia include: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola light, Fanta, Sprite, BonAqua, Nestea ice-tea, Nescafe ice-coffee, Burn energy drink, Powerade sport drink, Schweppes tonics, Rich, Dobry and Nico juices and nectars.

Investment & Employment The Coca-Cola business system in
Russia – consisting of The Coca‑Cola Company and its bottling partner, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC) – is one of the country’s largest foreign investors. The Coca‑Cola system directly employs more than 10,000 highly-qualified individuals.  Moreover, each job in the Coca‑Cola system indirectly generates eight additional jobs in related industries, including a wide range of suppliers and a nationwide network of retailers. In 2005 the Coca-Cola system has completed the most significant juice business acquisition outside US by purchasing Multon company – the 2nd largest juice manufacturer in Russia.


Quality: The Company’s success is built on a reputation for ensuring that we offer consumers only the highest quality beverages. In addition to its own, rigorous quality assurance systems, all Coca‑Cola plants in Russia are certified as meeting all relevant international standards.



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неправильный перерасчет отпускных, не очень проффесиональные коллеги, Ужасная текучка кадров

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