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A.T. Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm. We have a broad range of capabilities and expertise in all major industries - and we offer capabilities across the spectrum from strategy through implementation. By working closely with our clients, we can ensure they gain significant results - as well as competitive advantage. We focus on CEO-agenda concerns-issues such as growth, operations excellence, merger integration, supply chain management, technology strategy and more. No other top-tier management consulting firm has the resources and breadth - and passion - to help clients solve business problems, transform their operations and support them through implementation. That’s how we make practical more powerful. Our mission describes the value we intend to deliver to our clients, now and into the future. We are dedicated to achieving profound, tangible results for our clients as a management consulting firm. We bring strategic thinking and a commitment to collaborate with clients to develop and deliver ideas and insights that drive lasting impact for our clients. A.T. Kearney is known for its ability to provide insightful, concrete recommendations and to support clients right through implementation. Clients have told us that we are truly working partners with a great collaborative style. And they receive a high return on their consulting investment.
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Horohii oteli. ????


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