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Our firm was established in 2006 by several attorneys from different Russian and international law firms. Coming together for the purpose of engaging in our own private practice, we had a vision of a firm rendering specialized legal services of the highest quality in the various areas of our commercial specialization. Our aim has never been to be a ‘full cycle’ law firm with varying degrees of competence in all areas, but one undertaking legal transactions and projects exactly corresponding to our expertise. This approach allows for the accumulation of a wide range of unique experience in the particular legal services we offer to our clients. Our clients turn to us for reliable, professional assistance in circumstances requiring advanced legal perspective. We undertake complex and extraordinary legal and commercial projects with the confident understanding that it is precisely in these special cases that our clients gain the most advantage and added value from our services.

In our practice we aspire to strike a balance between international standards of professionalism and a deep understanding of the unique character of the Russian legal sphere. The wide and varied experience of our attorneys permits the combined advantages of the broader perspective of an external legal advisor with the result-oriented approach of an in-house corporate lawyer. We strive to provide comprehensive, multisided consideration to each question put before us.
We are recognized as preeminent providers of Russian law advice by international publications. We have been named Best Russian Law Firm 2008 by ACQ Finance magazine; Best Russian Law Firm for M&A 2009 and 2010 by Corporate INTL magazine; Private Equity Advisory Firm of the Year in Russia 2010 by Corporate INTL magazine. We have been awarded for our achievements as the Russian Law Firm of the Year by Finance Monthly Law Awards 2010.
Our approach is one of continually drawing on and applying the collective know-how from the sum of our experience. This is expressed in the publication of articles, participation in conferences, round tables, and working groups for the development and further refinement of legislation. We refuse to limit ourselves to simply helping our clients find answers to the concrete questions of the day. We are forward in our vision and try to expose the existing legal problems in scientific and legislative communities, actively participating in the development of approaches to their resolution.
We appreciate your attention to our firm. You can find further information about our business following other pages of our website or enquiring one of us using our contacts.
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