FG Wilson (Engineering) Ltd отзывы

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FG Wilson is the largest generator set manufacturer in the United Kingdom and one of the largest in the world, making us a world leader in the provision of diesel and gas powered generator sets.

FG Wilson is proud of its long-standing record as a worldwide exporter of both prime and stand-by power equipment FG Wilson has continued to grow and expand over its 30 year history due to the combination of company activities which take place throughout the world. We design and manufacture both standard and customised generator sets with power outputs covering 5.5 to over 2,200 kVA. This includes everything from small standby sets suitable for domestic use, up to large units which are capable of feeding back into national grid supplies.

The company has the capacity to manufacture over 50,000 generator sets per annum, which are then exported to more than 180 countries worldwide. FG Wilson lies comfortably within the UK's Top 100 Exporters and holds the prestigious Investors in People Award, from the Governments Department for Education & Employment

Company Vision Statement


Be the preferred supplier of competitively priced, high quality generating sets. Consistently meet customer delivery, support and value expectations. Be a preferred company with which employees want to build a long-term career


To be a profitable, innovative and consistently reliable supplier

Always to display the best work standards and values in all we do.


Continuously improve our products, practices, technologies and services

Build a team of professionals that are always learning, are customer focused, respect and trust each other, and make the best use of their abilities.

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Обсуждение FG Wilson (Engineering) Ltd отзывы

Отзыв №1

Нерегулярные выплаты зарплаты, Зачастую возникают конфликты с начальством:(, для повышения должно пройти много времени, неудобно добираться на работу, Не платят отпускные

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