City Center Investment B. V. отзывы

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City Center Investment B. V. was established in 2003 by ENKA in order to develop Naberezhnaya Tower complex. City Center Investment B. V. is the owner of office center Naberzhnaya Tower in Moscow International Business Complex Moscow City. CCI carries out the facility management and marketing of the complex, which is the largest real estate investment of ENKA.
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Обсуждение City Center Investment B. V. отзывы

Отзыв №1

I was one of the candidates to work in this company. There, I was met by an extremely unpleasant employee Kokovina Alla Sergeyevna who right at the threshold literally pounced on me, not had even presented to me who she was and had ignored my question about her position: It does not matter who I am, its important who you are. What position are you applying for? - You have been called in advance. I get calls a lot every day, youre not the only one, you’re not a VIP here! etc. The conversation took place right near the reception, standing, she didn’t not offer me a seat, as a proper hr employee would expectedly do. She didn’t carefully talk to the applicant, neither asked me questions, no listened to the answers, she hadn’t even read my resume in advance. She was extremely rude to me, simply ill-mannered. Clearly, she does not know how to communicate with people in a civilized way, she performs her duties disgustingly, unprofessionally takes her responsibilities, her attitude to the applicant for vacant positions in the company was absolutely unacceptable, and as a consequence, her attitude to the status of the company is unacceptable too. Although, Im not sure if she is an employee of HR department. In any case, it is not the employee who has to represent a company, and, to be honest, even formally listed in the state of more or less self-respecting company. I’m out of there forever. Прочитал ещё отзывы об этой тёте то же самое со всеми. Беда для Компании!

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