Castren & Snellman, представительство в Санкт-Петербурге отзывы
Castren & Snellman is a Finnish business law firm which provides the highest quality legal expertise and solutions to support all of our clients’ successful business ventures since 1888. In Russia we operate since since 1994.
Greenfield investments, acquisitions and venture capital arrangements have become the core of our services. Today Castrén & Snellman International Ltd. is established in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. A law firm does not evolve from being a traditional firm to a dynamic, modern enterprise without that special something. That something is reflected in all of our training, development discussions, staff meetings, and knowledge management, as well as in our orientation program and our social events. You might call it the human touch; an open door policy that embraces a low hierarchy, personal development, and constant interaction. We are never satisfied, of course.
That is why we are still evolving and always on the lookout for something special, someone special.
Я люблю этот магазин за разнообразие товаров. Тут можно купить не только посадочный материал, но и эффективные удобрения, садовый инвента